Boulder Ayurveda | Somaraja | Boulder Rolfing

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Tribute to Vaidya R.K. Mishra

I am filled with sadness to learn of the passing of my beloved Ayurvedic teacher, Vaidya Rk Mishra.

 Vaidya Mishra was and will always remain the most significant influence on my practice of medicine. He shaped my view of the human physiology at physical and energetic levels and how to effectively treat imbalances of all kinds. Vaidya was a dynamic figure, at once traditional and revolutionary. His unique, creative, and innovative contributions to the world of Ayurveda will be treasured for generations to come.

 I have learned so much from Vaidya, more than I could possibly express. He showed me how traditional medicine is not bound to its culture and ancient time of origin, but a universal wisdom that is relevant in all times and places. He always impressed me with his emphasis on preserving the purity of Ayurvedic knowledge, rather than revising it or changing it into something "contemporary". Yet, for Vaidya the traditional teachings were ever alive and available to be applied to the unique imbalances of our modern age. Vaidya always found a way to address modern-day imbalances with his creative formulations and protocols. Where one did not exist before, Vaidya would create it. Vaidya developed protocols and products to treat modern issues such as EMFs, Vit B12 deficiency, Vit D deficiency, magnesium and calcium supplementation, and the list goes on.

 Vaidya revealed the true depth of Ayurvedic medical knowledge and the true meaning of being a physician. His emphasis was always on restoring the pranic intelligence of the body, restoring the flow and reception of prana throughout the physiology. In Vaidya's teaching, I saw a deep understanding of the nature of disease and a clinically sophisticated approach to treating it, rooted in an energetic understanding of the world. When I reflect on everything I've learned from Vaidya, I realize how much what he taught has become a part of me. I am remembering Vaidya every time I read a patient's pulse, when I consider how to restore the flow and reception of prana, how to maintain the openness of the channels, how to safely remove toxins, and how to administer herbs for maximum absorption and effectiveness.

 Among Vaidya's many contributions to Ayurveda are his transdermal herbal formulations. Vaidya created herbal formulas that could be absorbed via the skin, bypassing the digestive system and the always overheated modern liver, while also avoiding potential herb-drug interactions. His transdermal formulations ensure absorption and effectiveness, and preserve the pranic integrity of the herbs. Vaidya also created the "transdermal marma system", his unique contribution to the ancient practice of marma therapy, teaching students how to use transdermal herbal formulations on marma points to treat energetic imbalances at their root.

The power of lineage can never be underestimated. Vaidya showed me that medicine is not something that can be learned in textbooks or classrooms, but a sacred knowledge transmitted from teacher to student. The sacred bond between a teacher and student once established can never be broken, and the SVA lineage of teachings now lives on in the hearts and lives of students and practitioners for future generations to come.

May Vaidya Mishra be Blessed in his transition beyond this life, and may his contributions to the world of healing continue to affect the lives of countless people. My prayers are with his family, especially Malvika Lena Takvorian-Mishra, and fellow practitioners and students. May we continue to honor and cherish everything Vaidya has taught us. It is our great fortune to have met him and to have received the precious teachings of the SVA lineage in this life. I will always remain deeply indebted to him.