Form, Function, & Fascia
“Fascia is the organ of posture...the body is a web of fascia. A spider web is in a plane; this web is in a sphere.”
The Rolf Method of Structural Integration (also known as “Rolfing”) is a modern bodywork system developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Despite its modern conception, Rolfing expresses an understanding of the body that is ancient in origin. Rolfing is focused on the protective layer of the muscles known as “fascia”, more commonly known as connective tissue. Fascia surrounds the internal structures of the body and thereby the function of the physiology. Rolfing is not a remedial solution, but a root-address to the structural integrity of the body-mind. According to Qigong Master, Mantak Chia, fascia has a deep relationship with Chi (life-energy):
Fascia are structures for Chi. Large amounts of Chi can be packed into the fascia to make them strong and keep them moist. The fascia are the conduits of Chi flowing in the body. The organ channels pass through the fascia. When the fascia are dry, Chi cannot flow well and the body can feel stiff and hard. Movement can become painful. Good Chi flow through the fascia means good flow everywhere. Healthy fascia means good energy, flexibility, and structural integrity.
The fascial plane is the “spark” in the machine, the juncture between form and function. The practice of Structural Integration is a powerful approach to integrating the body, restoring the healthy flow of life-energy, and increasing vitality. Since all illness is rooted in an energetic obstruction, Rolfing can help address the structural component of energetic and psychological imbalances while restoring the body’s physical integrity.